Management Fee

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A Management Fee in a private equity or venture capital context refers to the compensation paid to the fund's management company for overseeing and managing the fund's investments.

This fee is usually calculated as a percentage of the fund's committed capital or assets under management (AUM). The standard management fee in the industry typically falls around 2%, but can vary depending on the size of the fund, the investment strategy, and the fund's lifecycle stage.

For instance, during the fund's investment period - the initial few years when the fund is actively making new investments - the fee is typically calculated based on the fund's total committed capital. After the investment period, the fee might be based on the net invested capital (the total committed capital minus any capital that has been returned to investors).

The management fee is designed to cover the operating expenses of the fund's management company, which can include salaries of the management team, rent, research costs, travel, and legal expenses among others. It's important to note that the management fee is paid regardless of the fund's performance. This is different from the performance fee (or carried interest), which is a share of the profits that the management team receives only if the fund's investments are successful.

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