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In the context of private markets, contributions refer to the capital invested by limited partners (LPs) into a fund. These investors, who could be individuals or institutional investors like pension funds, endowments, or insurance companies, commit to provide a certain amount of capital to the fund when they enter into the investment agreement.

However, the full amount of their commitment is usually not required upfront. Instead, the fund's manager, often referred to as the general partner (GP), issues a capital call or drawdown request when they identify investment opportunities or need to cover fund expenses. This is the point when LPs make their contributions, transferring a portion of their committed capital into the fund.

A contribution schedule is generally outlined in the fund's limited partnership agreement. It dictates how and when LPs are required to fulfill their commitment.

The timing and amount of contributions can vary based on the fund's investment strategy and the opportunities the GP identifies. Some funds might call for a larger portion of the committed capital early in the fund's life, while others might draw down capital more gradually over time.

Contributions are an essential aspect of private equity, venture capital, and other private investment fund structures. They provide the capital necessary for the fund to make investments and generate returns for the fund's investors. After the capital has been contributed, it's typically invested by the GP into various opportunities, such as private companies, real estate, or other assets, according to the fund's strategy.

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